Eye Care
What is Monovision?

We recently discussed presbyopia and how this common eye condition may be treated. Because wearing reading glasses can quickly become a frustrating chore, many people quickly start thinking of alternative options for addressing blurring up-close vision. If you read our…
Show Your Eyes Some Love This Year

February tends to be the month of the year when we hear the most about love. Beyond the candy hearts and cards, we believe there are many ways in which love can be expressed. Some of the expressions of love…
Habits to Support Optimal Eye Health

You may know that it is essential to maintain regular eye exams with your ophthalmologist. This eye professional goes beyond checking your vision. They observe various functions and parts of your eyes that are involved in providing you with the…
Common Causes of Eye Pain: Do You Need a Doctor?

Eye pain can be concerning when you’re not sure about the cause. Here, we fill you in on some of the common conditions you should be aware of so you can determine when you may need to see the doctor.…
Drusen: Is This a Word You Need to Know?

Some people are what we could call “word of the day” kind of people. The Greeks would refer to them as logophiles. It’s safe to say there aren’t many word nerds out there and even those who are eternally curious…
Should I see a Doctor for Red Eyes?

Unless you’ve pulled an all-nighter to get a big project done or enjoy a late-night show, you’d probably be caught off-guard by noticeably red eyes. Does this condition mean something is wrong? Does it mean you should grab some redness-reducing…
As You Head Back Out into the Sunshine, Remember to Care for Your Eyes

After a long winter, we look forward to the warmth of the sun. This year, it hasn’t been a long bout of cold weather that has kept us indoors, it’s been the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 virus. Now that…
Eye Floaters: Common and Also Concerning

Age-related vision changes are to be expected. However, symptoms such as flashes or floaters may come as an alarming surprise. If you’re over 40 years of age, you may have noticed the occasional objects drifting across your field of vision.…
Women Need to Know Their Risks for Eye Disease

Eye health is as important as skin health, oral health, and reproductive health. If disease develops and threatens the quality of eyesight, life could likely be turned upside down. While there is a certain amount of attention that tends to…
Exercise Offers Protective Benefits to the Eyes

For decades, we’ve been told that we need to exercise. Often, we perceive the value of movement as it relates to weight loss and management. There is much more to the recommendations for physical activity than that. Engaging in exercise,…