
We recently discussed presbyopia and how this common eye condition may be treated. Because wearing reading glasses can quickly become a frustrating chore, many people quickly start thinking of alternative options for addressing blurring up-close vision. If you read our previous post, you already know that LASIK is not a treatment option for presbyopia because this condition requires some form of correction of the natural lens of the eye (rather than the cornea). A viable treatment option that may involve a few efficient steps is to create monovision. We’ll discuss more about this here.

What is Monovision?

Normally, the eyes work together to create one cohesive image. Using the various ocular structures, muscles around the eyes, and the brain, the body achieves this cohesive image at various distances. Monovision, at first glance, goes against the natural grain. Mono, meaning one, involves the creation of one-distance vision in each eye. So, one eye is adjusted to see clearly up close and the other is adjusted to see clearly at a distance. When both eyes are open, the visual information that comes into each gets interpreted by the brain in a unique manner.

With monovision, the brain receives visual input from both the near eye and the distance eye at the same time. What it does, though, is favor the eye that is focused. When the person is focusing on something across the room or at a distance, the brain instinctively suppresses the vision of the other eye. Conversely, when the person is reading, the brain suppresses the distance eye. This may seem counterproductive, but it results in a crisp, clear image of the object in focus.

What to Expect

At Roholt Vision Institute, our experienced ophthalmologists have unique ways to create monovision that result in long-term improvements. We may achieve monovision using technologies such as LASIK, SMILE, PRK, or CK (Conductive Keratoplasty). Another way that monovision can be created, one that may be more appealing to someone interested in trying it out, is through contact lenses. In this situation, each contact lens is made with the right prescriptive powers to support near vision in one eye and far vision in the other.

Monovision can be relatively challenging to understand without a precise explanation. If you have further questions about monovision for presbyopia, contact Roholt Vision Institute and schedule a visit to our Canfield, Alliance, or North Canton office.


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