Medical/Vision Exams

Eye Exam

Dr. Brian Mathie and Dr. Bradley Kubis are available for routine eye exams (farsighted/nearsighted) and medical eye conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, dry eyes, and external eye diseases. 

Book Your Appointment Today!

Why Is A Regular Eye Exam So Important?

The doctor exams each eye for signs of serious eye issues such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration to name just a few. Many eye conditions can be detected before any symptoms are noticed. An eye exam can detect other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases as well as certain types of cancer.

What Types Of Tests Will Be Performed During My Exam?

Typical testing includes a refraction to determine best visual acuity and intraocular pressure measurements (IOP). There are no additional tests done on this visit unless there is medical necessity to order and perform the test(s).

How Should I Prepare For My Eye Exam?

There is no preparation prior to the exam needed.

What Should I Expect During My Eye Exam?

When having a routine exam at Roholt Vision Institute we do a thorough examination looking at all elements of the eye. Expect your eyes to be dilated so that the physician can exam the health of the back of the eye. Due to dilation, it is recommended that patients have a driver with them. If that is not possible, we recommend that you have sunglasses with you to help with the sensitivity to light after dilation.

Schedule Your Vision Exam

Roholt Vision Institute proudly services patients from North Canton, Canfield, Alliance OH and surrounding areas. 

Contact Roholt Vision Institute Today


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