
Many people are looking for a permanent alternative to the constant use of contacts or eyeglasses. The good news is, there are choices. The bad news is, there are choices. The more options that are available for laser vision correction, the harder it can be to decide which method is appropriate. At Roholt Vision Institute, we provide information on vision correcting procedures after conducting a thorough consultation and eye examination. We intend to ensure that patients have the full extent of information they need to choose their treatment with confidence.

We are proud to offer the KAMRA corneal inlay for long-term vision correction. This FDA-approved procedure, also referred to as corneal implant surgery, is an option for treating presbyopia. Presbyopia is one of the most common age-related vision problems, one that makes it difficult to read books or text on the computer. Here, we discuss some of the benefits of this procedure.

  • KAMRA placement only involves surgery on one eye. The corneal implant is installed into the non-dominant eye, which facilitates visual clarity when the eyes work together to see objects up close.
  • It only takes about 15 minutes to complete KAMRA implant surgery. The process involves implanting the tiny ring over the center of the pupil several layers beneath the ocular surface.
  • The KAMRA corneal implant is lightweight; less than a grain of salt! It is also thinner than a standard contact lens. Once in place, the only way you will know it’s there is by the improved clarity of your vision.
  • The outpatient procedure is performed with numbing eye drops, so you feel no pain. There are no stitches needed to hold the implant in place, so recovery is minimal.
  • You can change your mind! If for some reason you wish to go back to wearing contacts or eyeglasses, you can have your implant removed. It is important to note that near vision might seem somewhat worse after the removal of the implant.
  • The presence of a KAMRA inlay doesn’t just improve your ability to read books and labels; it also makes it easier to read your computer screen. Therefore, issues with computer vision syndrome and digital eye stain may improve significantly.

Are you looking for a more permanent and convenient solution to presbyopia than eyeglasses and contacts? Contact Roholt Vision Institute in Canfield, Alliance, or North Canton to explore options like the KAMRA corneal inlay.


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