
Once we reach a certain age, we tend to notice more frequent changes in visual acuity. We used to have no problem reading those road signs. Now we have to squint to make out the letters of signs, books, labels, and more. Studies indicate that the structures of the eye do naturally change with age. The lens loses flexibility, proteins may build up on them, the fluid that fills the center of the eye begins to diminish. There are so many changes that can take place, it helps to at least try to slow them. Here, we offer tips for a healthy eye lifestyle.

First and foremost, a healthy eye lifestyle is one that includes regular visits to an eye doctor. Not just your optometrist; an ophthalmologist who will observe all parts of your eye using dilation. Dilation is just the insertion of eye drops that allow your pupil to become wider. The expanded pupil offers an optimal view to the back of your eye. During a dilated eye exam, your ophthalmologist can observe the vessels that circulate blood through the eyes, the optic nerve, retina, and other matter involved in supporting long-term vision.

Additional ways to support aging eyes include:

  • Eat for health. Fortunately, the same foods that support a generally healthy body also support the eyes. Dark leafy greens, turkey, chia seeds, blueberries, salmon, sweet potatoes, and carrots are particularly relevant to eye health.
  • Exercise. We often hear that we should exercise for our heart and to manage weight, but for eye health? Yes! The reason is that many age-related eye problems result from high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Exercise can reduce both.
  • Wear sunglasses. Even if you’re not sensitive to bright light, you need to wear sunglasses. Sunlight is ultraviolet light. UV light degrades collagen in the skin and also damages the structures of the eye. Sun damage is directly related to the development of cataracts.
  • Manage screen time. Staring at a digital screen causes the eyes to strain after a short time. It is important to look away about every 20 minutes to observe an object across the room.
  • Don’t smoke. Studies have linked smoking to a number of serious eye diseases, including cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and dry eye.  

Your eye doctor provides the screenings and treatments you need to enjoy optimal vision at every age. Call Roholt Vision Institute in Canfield, Alliance, or North Canton to schedule your comprehensive eye exam.


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