
A common concern for patients who are about to undergo LASIK at the Roholt Vision Institute is how soon they can engage in certain activities post-surgery. After all, many of these patients are highly active individuals who opt for LASIK to help improve their vision while engaging in the sports or physical activity of their choice.

Restrictions immediately after LASIK (Day of Surgery)

You are not to drive immediately after LASIK. If you’re about to have LASIK, you should make an arrangement to have someone drive you home after the procedure.    We encourage people to go home and keep the eyes closed as much as possible.

Restrictions beginning the day after surgery.

  • Light activities such as reading, writing, and short periods of time in front of the computer.
  • Driving the next day is fine as long as you feel comfortable to do so.
  • Light lifting may be done.  No heavy lifting for a week after surgery.
  • No swimming or hot tubs for 30 days after surgery.

Surgeries are done on Fridays and most people return to work on Mondays.  Patients who have PRK will need to plan on taking a few extra days off from work.

For more information on activity restrictions after LASIK, call us at 330-305-2200 to schedule your free Lasik evaluation appointment today.


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