Pumpkin. The large orange fruit is a staple to everything fall. As the weather cools, we look forward to pumpkin pie, pumpkin scones, and all of the goodness called Pumpkin Spice Latte. The fact the there is pumpkin on just about every menu we look at is a good thing. In fact, it’s not only good for our taste buds, but pumpkin holds benefits for the eyes, as well.
Pumpkin is Filled with Healthy Goodness
It’s good that pumpkin is a healthy food (a superfood, actually!) because it sure tastes good. All that tastiness could seem like an indulgence, and it can be if we’re not careful. However, research shows that a little pumpkin in our Fall food frenzy can help us manage everything from our weight to our blood pressure. Here are some of the nutrients that make pumpkin great for the eyes:
- Zinc. This mineral support retina health.
- Vitamin A protects the surface of the eyes, as well as the cornea. This vitamin also gives us our ability to see well in low light.
- Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that combat eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.
- Other antioxidants, such as zeaxanthin and lutein, are found in pumpkin. These nutrients filter out the light that can damage the eyes. They also combat eye disease in general.
Getting to the Source
There are pumpkin treats, and then there are healthy pumpkin treats. We hate to say it, but that Pumpkin Spice Latte from your favorite coffee chain probably doesn’t have the whole-food ingredients that support eye health. Pumpkin pie does, but it may also contain excess amounts of sugar, which can be damaging to eye health, not to mention general health. Some healthy options to feed your pumpkin cravings include:
- Pumpkin oatmeal muffins or pancakes
- Pumpkin soup
- Roasted pumpkin in casseroles or salads
- Toasted pumpkin seeds
- Pumpkin chai latte
Eye health is an important topic that we should keep in mind as the seasons change. If the cooler, dryer Autumn air is causing chronic eye irritation, we can help. Schedule a visit in one of our 3 locations for friendly service.