
Although recent news have put multivitamin use in a negative light, new research on its effects on eye health claims otherwise. A new study whose results was published in the Ophthalmology journal found out that long-term supplementation significantly reduced the risks of developing cataract among middle-aged and older men.

Quick Look of the Study
The subjects of the aforementioned study were actually 14, 641 male physicians. Half of the subjects took supplements (a multivitamin, beta-carotene, Vitamins C and E) on a daily basis from 1997 to 2011. The other half took a placebo.

For the entire study period, 872 doctors who took multivitamins developed cataract while there were 945 placebo-taking doctors who also developed the same eye condition. By and large, the study found out that the group who took vitamins had a 9 percent lowered risk of developing cataract and a 13 percent lowered risk of developing nuclear cataract (the most common type of aging-related cataract) during the entirety of the study period.

Evaluating Your Cataract Risk at the Roholt Vision Institute
While the results of the study looks promising, the Roholt Vision Institute Team would also like to emphasize that getting your daily dose of nutrients from food to promote eye health should not be overlooked. In addition, regular visits at our clinic are also equally important for continuous assessment and evaluation of your cataract risk.

Call us at 330-305-2200 to set up an appointment with our specialists in quality refractive, LASIK, lens implant, and cataract surgery. We look forward to your visit!


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