
The years leading up to menopause and those that follow can be relatively unsteady for any woman. Symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats and insomnia and weight gain are just the tip of the iceberg. We typically give so much attention to these symptoms, though, that other conditions related to changing hormones could be overlooked. According to research, more women develop dry eye syndrome than men. Studies also suggest that peri- and post-menopausal women face a higher risk for this common eye problem.

What Causes Dry Eye Symptoms

Everyone’s eyes get dry sometimes. When we become very focused on something, like an intriguing novel or our computer screen, we may forget to blink as frequently as we should. Without frequent blinking, the tear film that coats the surface of the eyes evaporates and causes momentary irritation. Dry eye syndrome relates to the quality of the tear film in some way. The problem may be that the Meibomian glands that produce tears are not functioning due to a blockage. It could be that there is too little oil in the tear film or another imbalance in tears.

Whatever the reason for tear film disruption, a lack of quality tears can lead to several uncomfortable symptoms. On a mild to moderate scale, dry eye syndrome may cause grittiness or a sensation of having something in the eye. The eyes may become red and watery. More severe tear disruption can cause blurry vision or eye strain. Chronic dry eye syndrome also presents a risk for cornea damage.

Managing Eye Health Throughout Perimenopause and Menopause

There are several ways in which dry eyes can be managed. Some women can relieve symptoms with over-the-counter eye drops that support optimal lubrication across the surface of the eyes. If eye drops are necessary several times a day every day, additional treatment is needed. Suitable remedies can only be explored after a thorough eye exam and tear film screening that identifies where the problem has originated.

Dry eye treatments range from taking Omega supplements to support biological changes that occur with age to prescription medication or in-office treatments that unblock the glands that produce tears. At Roholt Vision Institute, we offer several treatment options for dry eye as well as comprehensive exam and screening services that pinpoint where the tear film is lacking.

We are pleased to serve patients in North Canton, Alliance, and Canfield. Contact an office near you today.


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