Nearly 25 million American adults have cataracts. After age 40, the risk of this common condition increases incrementally with every passing decade. If the symptoms of cataracts do develop, patients can rest somewhat easy knowing that, while cataracts can interrupt vision to varying degrees, the disease will not cause blindness. At the point when vision impairment is too great, a person can contact their trusted ophthalmologist to schedule cataract removal surgery. Because there is a choice regarding when to have cataract removal, there can be a temptation to put this beneficial procedure off. Why? Because the idea of it sounds painful.
The eye is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. Of course, the idea of surgery to remove part of the eye sounds intimidating. A mere speck of dust can cause us to panic due to the discomfort it causes. Regardless of the frustration of cloudy vision, many people decide that eye pain during or after surgery would be worse. We’re here to tell you it’s not. Let’s take a closer look at why cataract removal isn’t nearly as bad as you may assume.
The Cataract Removal Procedure
Cataract removal is performed in the office, not in a hospital or surgery center. It is a minor procedure performed with great care. Before the procedure, patients typically receive a mild sedative that will make them slightly groggy and very calm. Just before the surgery starts, the doctor applies medicated eye drops. These numb the eye in a similar way that dental anesthesia numbs the gums before you get a filling, but without the shot. Between the sedative and the local anesthesia, cataract removal surgery is achieved with minimal sensation. Patients do not describe feeling pain, but they may feel slight pressure as the doctor works to replace the affected cataract. The entire procedure takes 20 minutes or less.
It is not uncommon to experience some degree of eye irritation after cataract removal surgery. This may not involve pain but may feel more like a gritty, foreign body sensation. The eye may itch and water. These side effects of surgery typically last no more than a few days. It can take weeks for vision to stabilize as the eye and brain acclimate to the new intraocular lens.
Roholt Vision Institute is proud to serve North Canton, Canfield, and Alliance. To learn more about cataract removal surgery, contact an office near you.