
At Roholt Vision Centers, located in North Canton, Canfield, and Alliance, OH, we focus on helping each patient address their eye health issues successfully. One of the key elements to protecting long term health is the early detection of any condition that may threaten visual acuity. How do we do this? Sometimes, by dilating your eyes.

The Comprehensive Eye Exam

Dilating the eyes involves placing a few drops of a mild solution into each. These drops may cause a slight stinging sensation, but this subsides quickly. After a few minutes, the pupils start to widen. This gives us more access to the structures at the back of the eye. The reason that we may want to view areas such as the optic nerve fibers and the retina is because these structures are involved in some of the common – and serious – eye conditions.


Glaucoma occurs in the area in which nerve impulses travel from eyes to brain. Without the accurate translation of these impulses, the brain cannot recognize the objects in view. When the fibers of the optic nerve are in view at the back of the eye, we are better able to assess their integrity. Cupping at the intersection of the eye and the nervous system may indicate the early development of glaucoma.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetes presents an issue of blood sugar levels. Too much sugar instigates a number of problems, including swelling or leakage of fluid that should be contained within the tiny blood vessels around the retina. Diabetic retinopathy is likely to affect both eyes, if it does occur, ultimately threatening optimal visual acuity.

Macular degeneration

The layer of cells that make up the macula, or central part of the retina, must regenerate in order to support eye health. Age and other factors can create abnormal proliferation of these cells, which can cause visual disturbance or vision loss. When the eyes are dilated, we can evaluate the macula for pigment buildup in this layer of cells.

Roholt Vision Institute supports your long-term vision and eye health. Call one of our locations for your comprehensive eye exam.


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