
Technology surrounds us in our homes and offices. Our reliance on computers and smartphones has increased exponentially over the years, with many of us staring some type of screen several hours a day. Computers may be necessary for work, which leads many of our patients to ask when they will be able to resume computer use after their LASIK procedure.

One of the most prominent advantages of LASIK vision-correcting surgery is that there is a relatively short recovery period. Little time off of work is necessary in most instances. However, there should also be no rush to get back in front of the screen.

Allow Your Eyes to Rest after LASIK

On the day that LASIK is scheduled, the general recommendation is that the remainder of the day be devoted to rest. The eyes can heal quickly, but they do need at least 24 hours of downtime during which there is no computer or tablet use and no smartphones or television.

Typically, patients can begin using their common devices after a day or two. To avoid unnecessary eye irritation or other side effects of digital eye strain, the use of electronic devices will ideally occur slowly and increase over several days. Basically, don’t hop right back into an 8-hour day of computer work shortly after having LASIK.

Precautions for Safe Computer Use after LASIK

Recovery after LASIK is not entirely prohibitive. However, it is important to remember that, while comfort improves significantly within the first day after treatment, the eyes will continue to heal for weeks. During this time, there is a higher likelihood of dry eyes and irritation. Because computer use also causes these symptoms, there are precautions that should be taken throughout recovery, such as:

  • Use the artificial tears provided or prescribed by your LASIK surgeon.
  • Create a mindful habit of using the computer or other digital devices that includes blinking frequently or closing your eyes for a few seconds now and then.
  • Avoid sitting at a screen for more than twenty minutes. Even if all you do is look away from the screen for about twenty seconds, your eyes will fair better than if they were forced to focus up close for hours on end.
  • Sleep, sleep, and sleep some more. When you sleep, the coverage of the eyelid over the ocular surface supports lubrication and tissue regeneration. Furthermore, when we sleep, the body’s natural processes turn to rejuvenation.

At Roholt Vision Institute facilities in Canfield, North Canton, and Alliance, patients can expect friendly care with a high standard of professionalism. To learn more about LASIK surgery, call an office near you.


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