Presbyopia or having difficulties to focus on things up close is typically improved by using reading glasses. However, we have several patients with presbyopia asking if it’s possible for them to have laser eye surgery and avoid wearing glasses altogether. Yes, it can be achieved with a procedure called monovision.
What’s involved?
By and large, a monovision involves the correction of one eye for distance vision and the other for near vision by laser eye surgery. At Roholt Vision Institute, monovision can be achieved by different methods of surgery depending on which surgery is best suited for the patient. As a result, blended vision occurs and many patients with presbyopia have become less dependent of their reading glasses due to monovision.
Some patients do not opt for monovision as it can alter depth perception. It is also not suitable for individuals who read for prolonged periods of time or go through materials with extremely small fonts.
The best way to figure out if you’re an ideal candidate for a monovision to improve presbyopia is call us at 330-305-2200 today to set up an appointment.