
Glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness in the world. It affects an estimated 3 million Americans and is often referred to as a sneaky thief of sight. Why? Because it causes irreparable damage without so much as a glimpse of a visual problem. The way that this common disease is usually detected is through a routine, dilated eye exam. Because early treatment is key to slowing the progression of vision loss, it is necessary to understand how glaucoma works. We’ll discuss that here.

  1. Glaucoma is caused by excess fluid in the eye

The eyes naturally produce fluid that preserves moisture and comfort. The central part of the eye is also made of a thick, cohesive fluid that becomes thinner over time. Usually, the fluid in the eye drains through a complex system of tubes. With glaucoma, this process is interrupted. The excess fluid in the eye builds and compresses on the optic nerve. The damage that results from continual compression eventually reduces eyesight.

  1. There are no early symptoms

Increased ocular pressure does not cause pain or any other prominent symptoms. Sometimes, patients may notice a flash of light when they blink. However, this is not a reliable signal. The signs of glaucoma only become obvious when the optic nerve has been irreversibly damaged.

  1. Glaucoma can be detected during an eye exam

The primary way that glaucoma is detected is through a dilated eye exam. Whether you have a known risk for this disease or not, routine eye exams are a necessary part of lifelong vision and eye health. During a routine eye exam, your ophthalmologist checks eye pressure and also observes all of the parts of your eyes, including the optic nerve.

  1. There is no cure for glaucoma, but treatment is available

Although the damage caused by increased intraocular pressure cannot be reversed, several treatments can be performed to reduce the compression on the optic nerve. Treatments that minimize intraocular pressure work by improving the drainage from the eye in some way. A board-certified ophthalmologist tailors glaucoma treatment to each patient based on the type and severity of their condition.

Glaucoma is a common eye disease that can be worrisome but we don’t want you to worry. Schedule a visit to a Roholt Vision Institute near you to receive outstanding care.


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